28 Nov A Step Beyond Safety Software…………………..
People, forms, data, documents, training, orientations, assets, journey management, location tracking and much more. A straight forward and highly cost effective solution to keep on top of things!! The SAFETYmanager has it all.
SAFETY manager can track and send notifications with different priority levels pertaining to training, incidents and near misses, scheduled items such as tailgate meetings, legislative compliance, and asset and personnel geolocation. All data collected is automatically archived, data mineable, and can be combined with other accumulated metrics for the purpose of prequalification, auditing, and identification of leading indicators. All of this is in a package that is infinitely scalable and at a price point that is far from prohibitive.
Contact John Pilgrim – Pilgrim Consulting to find out more (403)651-2071. http://www.pilgrimconsulting.ca
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